My grandma often says days are long yet the years are short. It took me some time to really grasp this concept. I have come to realise just how true this is!

Sometimes, I throw my day away as I am just too tired, or do what’s easy to fill up my day with being busy yet accomplishing very little. And before I know, the days that felt so long have turned to weeks, and weeks to months and a year later I wonder in amazement where my year flew by and I had yet to make a dent in my resolutions I framed at the beginning of that year.

It is so true. Days are in fact long and years are short.

Yet, when it comes to my working hours, I plan everything. And once it’s on my to-do for the day, it gets done. I love seeing all those tick marks at the end of the day. Plus, I take my role seriously, and my goals are set to produce results with detailed steps to achieve them. As a corporate trainer, I have a checklist for every training module, right to what goes into my bag when I am offsite training. I can’t stand forgetting my little presentation clicker or my favourite sharpie markers. So it’s all down to the magic of lists.

Promise, this system works so well, yet when I am done at 17:00 (or realistically a little later than that) why did I not use this system to achieve my personal dreams?

Necessity it the mother of invention as they say. And honestly, I am not inventing anything. I am just putting my tried and tested plans and planning actions to good use to achieve my own dreams and turning them into reality.

Here I will be sharing my tools to help you with your plans to achieve the life you have dreamed of.

Come, share this journey with me with Planners Etc.